“ The fundamental reason to digitise is speed . It ’ s no longer only about making the right decisions , but about making them in the shortest possible time . We need to understand the impact , real or potential , of commercial risks and opportunities , faster than our competition and before it cascades to our customers ”
Brexit . Our Supply Chain Digital Twin , for example , was created to evaluate Brexit impact , and then expanded to other events . It helped us immensely to quickly react to the effects of the pandemic .”
“ Beyond Supply Chain , the digital transformation effort had to be accelerated to cover all aspects of the operation , including relationships with customers and suppliers , remote customer assistance , inspections , and last but not least , how our products must adapt in a digital world . That journey is long and full of pivoting points , but our teams have the talent and motivation to get it done . I don ’ t think there ’ s a single formula that serves all companies , and the concept of digitalisation itself keeps evolving rapidly . Each company will have to find its own solution ,” Aidir added .
A lot of companies , after the initial shock of COVID-19 , having watched as their global supply chain networks were torn apart , their balance books inked with red figures , and job losses across the board , have openly stated that they wish they could have done things differently . Many would have done things differently on the run-up to the pandemic , had they known what was around the corner . On this , Aidir told me that IMI is “ now looking at several measures to better prepare us for these events , but while we didn ’ t have a crystal ball , we put in place several actions in recent years that helped us in this period .”
“ Having a truly global team with people in all continents creates an invaluable collaboration network , which was crucial for us this year . Two aspects we continue to improve are reinforcing or empowering our Category Management team and further investment in Cost Engineering tools ,” the Global Director added . constructionglobal . com 29