Construction Digital Magazine April 2021 | Page 63

Five point plan to tackle unsafe cladding :

“ The issues raised by the need to re-clad non-compliant buildings are complex and numerous and it is likely that the courts will be asked to resolve those issues so that the industry can continue to remedy the legacy of the Grenfell tragedy ”

to constitute Building Work and therefore have to comply with the ban , meaning an effective retrospective application of the Building Regulations . The courts have not yet had to decide whether this is a matter for contractors but may well be asked to .”
Finally , the rules on the funding of replacement of cladding by the government will contribute more cases too – as the funding is expected to be paid back through claims against contractors and so is akin to a loan contingent on legal action and not a grant .
“ The issues raised by the need to re-clad non-compliant buildings are complex and numerous and it is likely that the courts will be asked to resolve those issues so that the industry can continue to remedy the legacy of the Grenfell tragedy ,” he said .
RICS issues EWS guidance The External Wall System ( EWS ) process has been agreed by developers , managing agents , fire engineers , lawyers , lenders , insurers , and valuers , and adopted across the industry .
RICS published guidance for valuers on March 8 and will be working with UK government and other stakeholders to ensure it is implemented by April 5 . This guidance includes criteria that will be used to help decide whether a particular building should need an EWS1 form – each form is valid for five years and covers an entire block .
Valuers will always need to follow instructions given by their lender clients , and the criteria considers the height of the building , the type of cladding and ( in some circumstances ) how much of it there is on

Five point plan to tackle unsafe cladding :

• Government will pay for the removal of unsafe cladding for leaseholders in all residential buildings 18 metres ( 6 storeys ) and over in England
• Finance scheme to provide reassurance for leaseholders in buildings between 11 and 18 metres ( 4 to 6 storeys ), ensuring they never pay more than £ 50 a month for cladding removal
• An industry levy and tax to ensure developers play their part
• A " world-class new safety regime " to ensure a tragedy like Grenfell never happens again
• Providing confidence to this part of the housing market including lenders and surveyors constructionglobal . com 63