Pickett says . “ And it also makes suppliers ’ lives easier because they don ' t need to answer all those same questions again for me .”
Pickett ’ s teams also leverage a suite of other digital procurement tools , though she admits she may be considered “ a little old fashioned ” in her approach to digital transformation . “ I don ’ t like to use lots of different computer systems and pieces of software ,” she says . “ I find that the more systems you use , the more noise you have to deal with . But we do use Microsoft Dynamics and IBM Maximo , which is a very robust asset management ERP system and very important to our procurement analysis . Using this system I can instantly know what a good is , how we bought it , what we spent and use the information to review our categories . From a digital perspective , they are enough for us .” Not all Pickett ’ s procurement efforts are dedicated to steel , tracks and carriages .
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Services play an equally important role in keeping passengers and staff safe and comfortable . That comes with its own set of challenges , particularly as the size of KeolisAmey Docklands belies its impact . “ We operate a large service , but our actual company is only around 860 employees , which is nothing compared to the biggest networks . We can be limited in finding suppliers that want to work at that scale ,” she says .
After around a year of negotiations to secure a quality occupational health provider , Pickett encountered Medigold Health . “ They were different . They were keen to work with us , but beyond the usual services , it was apparent that they care about our staff as much as we do . They offered insight into how to reduce blood pressure , how best to approach dietary requirements . When we inevitably have staff off sick , they help us bring people back to work as swiftly as possible , because while we are paying
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