Construction Digital Magazine December 2021 | Page 29

ARTISAN DESIGN GROUP household homes ,” he said . “ The flight from urban to suburbs will continue to rural areas , as broadband availability improves , and people continue to work remotely . That will spur more homes and provide an opportunity to see an uptick in our business .”
He acknowledges the pandemic has put a strain on its supply chain , however .
“ The market is settling back down but it ’ s impacted price , availability , and affordability .
From a project management perspective , COVID has shifted everything . We have a backlog of work that can ’ t be addressed as quickly as we ’ d like to .”
He highlights TPx , which operates a wide portfolio of infrastructure services as a key partner for the last three years .
“ We ’ re using them specifically for Infrastructure-as-a-Service and looking to expand our WAN and private cloud architecture . The 22 ERPs we have in place are difficult to manage and don ’ t allow for a scaling ecosystem . We have initiatives underway to collapse that into a single ERP platform for the entire organisation . We ’ re still going through that process work .”
Originally , TPx formed a relationship with one of ADG ’ s companies in Houston , and it has expanded the relationship to encompass the whole portfolio . “ It ’ s that ability to scale effectively which has helped us transition to TPx – they have capable resources able to respond as business dynamics require .”
He added it is replacing an existing provider , after experiencing service disruptions and poor user experiences , and looking to modernise the organisation by transitioning away from some legacy equipment into a new state-of-the-art environment , which will be hosted by TPx .

ADG does not mandate but encourages a hybrid work environment where it makes sense . It is taking a similar physical-and-virtual approach to business . EXECUTIVE BIO

Delano has spent over 30 years managing , developing , and mentoring IT organisations to efficiency leveraging known industry best practices . Prior to joining ADG , he was a lead executive consultant to national drywall distributor L & W Supply in Chicago and Wisconsin based roofing distributor ABC Supply on digitally transformative initiatives . He previously served as CIO of Roofing Supply Group and XL Parts with prior stints at former global mobile phone distributor CellStar , telecommunications giant GTE ( Verizon ), and professional services firm PwC . He holds an MBA , Masters degree in Network Security / Information Assurance , a Bachelors of Science in Information Systems and various certifications from IBM , Microsoft , ITIL , and Six Sigma .