Construction Digital Magazine December 2021 | Page 31

“ The 22 ERPs we have in place are difficult to manage and don ’ t allow for a scaling ecosystem . We have initiatives underway to collapse that into a single ERP platform for the entire organisation ”
“ The 22 ERPs we have in place are difficult to manage and don ’ t allow for a scaling ecosystem . We have initiatives underway to collapse that into a single ERP platform for the entire organisation ”
While it has physical design centres in Dallas , Houston , San Antonio and Austin , it is embracing an online presence too .
Its Design Central virtual design centre portal enables customers to visualise interior finishes at home ahead of an in-person appointment ; allowing customers to browse product offerings and compare costs on their own time . The valuable insight provided by the portal allows designers to efficiently serve more customers per day and customise product offerings more effectively , creating combined time savings , increasing throughput and highermargin mix , driving growth and profitability .
“ We ’ re trying to alleviate some of the pressure , so customers can gain a perspective of all the details – the flooring , cabinets , colors , so they can visualise what their space will look like and place favorite combinations in their carts , so when they meet our design consultant , it shortens the appointment . By then , you ’ re just concentrating on preferred products and consultants can coach through those selections .”
Another innovation allows homeowners to put on VR Goggles in the centres , immersing them in that space where they can apply or
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