Construction Digital Magazine December 2021 | Page 35

As the construction industry becomes ever more technology focused , how are firms preparing for the demands of the new digitally oriented era ?

As the construction industry becomes ever more technology focused , how are firms preparing for the demands of the new digitally oriented era ?


It ’ s not the easiest time to be working in industry . Across the board , training manuals are being rewritten as new technologies continue their inexorable march . New tech needs money and time , both in short supply in today ’ s supplystrained period . The conundrum is that while demand for new tech grows , so do widespread skills shortages .

Moreover , construction remains blighted by the regrettable tag-line of being ‘ one of world ’ s least digitised industries ’. But there is a tangible sense that digital construction is now imperative if firms are to address systemic inefficiencies and build productively , and sustainably , in future .
Research four years ago from the McKinsey Global Institute found digital transformation can result in productivity gains of 14-15 % and cost reductions of 4-6 %. COVID , combined with the focus on sustainability , has since turbo-charged digital ’ s growth . Reinventing construction through a productivity revolution | McKinsey
CITB offers skills and training funds for small and medium-sized businesses and a wide range of e-courses and qualifications ,
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