Construction Digital Magazine December 2021 | Page 41

to see the number of available UK jobs rising as the sector and economy as a whole recovers from the pandemic . The latest data shows that there were 43,000 construction job vacancies between July and September , by far the highest it ’ s ever been , and the first time it ’ s ever risen to over 40,000 .
“ This is a huge increase of 7,000 vacancies from June to August , which , at the time , was another record for the industry , showing a definite trend .
“ These large increases in vacancies suggest that the industry is confident about the sector ’ s future and is investing in manpower to tackle upcoming projects . However , with the number of jobs available continuing to increase , it appears that some companies are struggling to find staff to hire .
“ Unfortunately , the sector also saw unemployment numbers rise by 9,000 to 62,000 , the highest figure since December to February ( 70,000 ) earlier this year .”
This corresponds with a large increase in redundancies over the same timeframe , rising from 5,000 between May-July , to 9,000 . This is the first time that redundancies have risen since February- April this year .
“ This new data shows that there is still plenty of movement in the industry , and that will likely continue , with vacancies and redundancies both rising . While unemployment remains high in construction , the sizable increase in new jobs provides hope for the future that this figure will fall once again , as long as companies are able to attract new staff .
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