Construction Magazine April 2016 | Page 57


“ We ’ re using lighting , projection , holograms , animated figures , and that is all run by computerised control systems . It ’ s quite technologically rich ”

– Matthew Priddy , CTO
music , with the media to make sure that we ’ re hitting all those marks . We ’ re using lighting , projection , holograms , animated figures , and that is all run by computerised control systems . It ’ s quite technologically rich .”
To make sure all is working as it should when the crowds arrive in October this year , Dubai Parks and Resorts will be initiating what Priddy calls a testing and commissioning . “ You might , depending upon the status of things , open one park one day , open another park the next day and so on . This serves two functions . It allows us to bring out the systems and make sure they ’ re properly tuned and identify any problems that we might have in parts . It also means we can train the staff . We ’ re bringing in over 4,000 people , many of whom have limited park operations experience so there is a lot of training and development that has to go on .”
Recruiting – and training – this many people is clearly a big challenge but , for Priddy and his team , the procurement phase was equally tricky , because there is only a certain number of people who can produce what a theme park needs , so there may
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