Construction Magazine April 2017 | Page 41


Eric Wildt

Sr . Project Manager
expansion projects that did not
involve full cessation of operations .
“ I did a large expansion to the Washington state penitentiary a number of years ago ,” Wildt recounts . “ There was a situation where the end-user ’ s business was basically sacrosanct . You couldn ’ t disturb the operation of managing the inmates . We had to really collaborate and interface with the owner in terms of work planning and sequencing to make sure we were aligned . “ I ’ ve also done some airport work inside active terminals . It is
one of things that Turner does a lot of – it ’ s going into somebody ’ s house while they ’ re working and conducting work and trying to be as least impactful as possible .”
Turner Construction recognized that the building can ’ t be shut down for two years : “ We were able to tweak our work plan and timing on events and sequences to work with their schedule ,” he adds .
“ One of the things that we are pushing heavily on this project is LEAN construction . For us , it is removing constraints and roadblocks and making sure
Jeremiah ‘ J . R .’ Hudson
Project Executive / Director , Special Projects Division