Construction Magazine April 2020 | Page 54


COMPANY FACTS Sustainable construction and operation

Cundall incorporated cutting edge sustainability technologies at the Willmott Dixon Community Healthcare Campus in Hertfordshire . These included : A passively ventilated consulting room with electronically operated windows activated by temperature and CO2 concentration sensors , also includes a phase change material that absorbs and releases heat as temperatures rise and fall . Mechanical ventilation was provided to two treatment rooms via fabric ducts , so that fresh air is taken either from the solar wall on the exterior of the building or from below the building in summer when the air temperature is less than ambient . Copper taps and copper handrails on the stairs reduce microbiological contamination risks , as the bacteria MRSA is unable to survive on copper alloy surfaces for longer than 90 minutes
Low-energy lighting is provided , including LED display lighting . Photovoltaic panels were installed on the roof of the building and the energy from these is used to power the treatment room ventilation system . The domestic hot water valve controls the hot water circulation to maintain the temperature required for healthcare facilities to negate the risk of legionella Provision of data , electricity and water for mobile healthcare units was incorporated on the exterior of the building
APRIL 2020