Construction Magazine August 2020 | Page 21


“ Forget data lakes , we ’ re now talking about some of the largest data oceans ever created ”

— Chris Sharp , Chief Technology Officer , Executive Vice President and Service Innovation platform improves business performance through participation in global digital ecosystems ; it also shortens the time to connect with markets and other players in that ecosystem .
The platform tailors infrastructure deployments and controls matched to specific business requirements , irrespective of data centre size , scale , location configuration , or ecosystem configurations . In line with the scaling of modern , digital enterprises , it lets customers operate deployments as part of a seamless extension of any global infrastructure , says the company , thus enabling global , distributed workflows at centres of data exchange to remove data gravity barriers .
“ To embark on a digital transformation , the first thing an enterprise needs is storage ,” Sharp says . “ They need their own data store , and that ’ s where the IP for a lot of our customers comes from , the ability to have that data store and run analytics against it . You ’ re no longer talking just about owning land , but the ability to deploy high power density infrastructure in close
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