44 groups ,” explains Kaplanoglu . “ It ’ s not about facial recognition or highlighting violations but about educating people on the best practice for changing working conditions . Here , we ’ re not processing live images so you could rely on a 4G connection .”
Kaplanoglu believes another key area for improving efficiency involves better supply chain management , which goes beyond materials handling to materials readiness . “ Our partner product ( from Jovix ) integrates with our schedule to let us know the percentages of materials already being use in production , available on site and what remains to be delivered . We can track materials linked to the schedule which are scanned by gate meters on site when they arrive . For material delivery it ’ s good to know you can have delivery on site without signing for anything . You unload and the gate reader tells you what ’ s arrived . For large infrastructure projects it ’ s often a challenge to locate materials on site when they ’ re stored in different locations ; our approach is getting great feedback from customers looking for an efficient solution and relies on consistent back office connectivity .”
“ Necessity is the mother of innovation . Things have changed in terms of how fast companies are looking to scale solutions ”
— Burcin Kaplanoglu , Executive Director of Innovation , Oracle Construction & Engineering
Oracle ’ s payment processing solution Textura is helping companies upgrade their financial management . “ We can only share metrics of success if the customer accrues it ,” stresses Kaplanoglu . “ They actually have improved the speed of their payment processing during the pandemic by as much as two weeks . It ’ s important that they were able to ramp up how fast they pay to the general contractor during the pandemic . And one of the key things is because this product is fully digital , you don ’ t need to write a check , you don ’ t have to mail it , everything is done online . All the documentation is done online and so with management teams working remotely during the pandemic , connectivity is key .”