Construction Magazine August 2020 | Page 61

“ Done correctly , smart cities have the potential to transform the character and liveability of a city , rejuvenate its economy and heritage , enhance its resilience and sustainability , and even tighten the social compact with the government and among citizens ”
SOLID WASTE REDUCTION With low-tech recycling reaching its limits , McKinsey reports that technology could help to further reduce the constructionglobal . com

“ Done correctly , smart cities have the potential to transform the character and liveability of a city , rejuvenate its economy and heritage , enhance its resilience and sustainability , and even tighten the social compact with the government and among citizens ”

— The Eden Strategy Institute advanced metering and digital feedback messages can reduce consumption by 15 % in higher income cities where residential water is high . However , McKinsey notes that its effectiveness depends on whether it is paired with a pricing strategy .
In developing countries , the biggest source of water waste is leaking pipes . Utilising sensors and analytics can help to cut the loss by up to 25 %. volume of un-recycled solid waste . An example of this could be to harness digital tracking and payments , however this should be considered alongside other policy initiatives particularly for developing economies with tight household budgets .
SOLID WASTE REDUCTION With low-tech recycling reaching its limits , McKinsey reports that technology could help to further reduce the constructionglobal . com