technology & equipment
Yorkon Colchester Hospital
or technically superior . What we have seen happen in other manufacturing sectors over the last 30 years or so has clearly shown this not to be the case .
Our best manufacturing industries – those that are truly globally competitive – have long since learned that modern manufacturing involves assembling increasingly complex and superbly engineered components .
This transformation has had no negative impact on design excellence , on quality , on performance in use – quite the opposite . Customers have benefited , prices have been reduced , quality has been enhanced , mass customisation is the norm and not the exception .
So if this way of working is the norm for other manufacturing industries why should things be different for the construction industry ? At the end of the day the market will decide and the more that the leading edge demonstrate that the future of construction is offsite the faster that offsite will simply become the norm – notwithstanding the
32 D ecember 2014