Construction Magazine December 2016 | Page 53

When the Blackstone Group bought the company back in 2012 , says Bateman , “ they committed around $ 0.5bn in capital to renovate the corporate network . That was planned out over a five-year period . At the same time , the enterprise has a goal of growing the brand and hit somewhere in the neighborhood of more than 2,000 properties for the total network , and we are currently adding about 150- 175 new properties a year .” In fact , he adds , the 500 plus corporate locations will be complete in spring 2017 .
“ There have been challenges , for sure ,” says Bateman . “ When you have a network as large as ours , half a billion dollars sounds like a lot of money but when you ’ re talking 500 plus properties , you have got to get creative on how you spend that money because , at the end of the day , you ’ re not going to be able to do everything you ’ d like .”
Motel 6 and Studio 6 , the iconic brands managed by G6 Hospitality , are economy brands so , says Bateman : “ Everything we do has got to be value driven . We ’ re great at going out to our
www . g6hospitality . com 53
A franchise location in Muskogee , OK