Jones Lang LaSalle
With over 62,000 employees in 280 offices in more than 80 countries , JLL ( Jones Lang LaSalle ) is well placed to advise on an ever changing data center industry where changes to data sovereignty and cyber security in one country impacts across the globe . From modest origins in London in 1783 , JLL has grown from a family auctioneers , through many mergers and acquisitions , to become a
Fortune 500 company , with a record gross revenue of $ 6 billion in 2016 .
Now a global professional services and investment management firm specializing in real estate , JLL ’ s expert teams provide integrated services to clients seeking increased value by owning , occupying , developing or investing in real estate .
Jason Bell is Vice President of Data Center and Technology Services and took on this role in October 2015 , after 66 December 2016