As part of its strategy , RANDALL has invested in BIM technology to aid its approach to pre-construction processes , providing General Contractors and project partners the capability to see what ’ s happening in real-time when work on site begins . With 360-degree cameras on the job sites , the ability to deploy drones – and with most of its workforce connected with mobile devices – technology in the field is aiding collaboration by keeping all disciplines across a project connected . Reinders believes RANDALL ’ s commitment to technology makes it an attractive company to work for . “ You ’ re not going to find another contractor that does approximately 70 % of a total project in-house and self-performed ; from site work , tilt walls and precast to architectural , metal work and MEP-FP . Our innovative mindset is a differentiator . We ’ re taking that to the next level with our modern approach to modular construction , using prefabrication to push the possibilities to make construction sites safer and cleaner while producing less waste .”
Located in the heart of America ’ s theme park industry , RANDALL has
111 1986
Year founded
100,000 Square feet fabrication facility in Florida
Number of employees
www . constructionglobal . com