Construction Magazine December 2019 | Page 30


E ach year , the global construction industry uses three billion tonnes of materials . Worldwide , this sector is responsible for 23 % of all CO2 emissions . It ’ s little wonder then , that public and investor demand for green construction projects continues to grow .

Between 2018 and 2023 , analysts predict that the green construction market will grow by 10.26 % each year . Rising environmental awareness and measures are further pushing the sustainability of the building industry up today ’ s agenda , too .
However , sustainability is not just about doing the right thing from an environmental perspective . It ’ s also about doing what ’ s profitable — and thus sustainable — from a commercial perspective . A report by Morgan Stanley found that projects constructed using certified — sustainable materials and project management techniques have lease-up rates 20 % faster than average , while commanding a 3 % rent premium . Moreover , the 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer — an annual trust and credibility survey — reported that 73 % agree that companies can help improve society and the communities they operate in , while at the same time , increasing their profit margins .
However , while many construction companies take great pains to ensure that the materials they use , and the design of the construction project , meet the highest ‘ green ’ standards , the end-to-end sustainability of the site ( or the construction process itself ) is often overlooked .