Construction Magazine February 2018 | Page 23

looking over an employee ’ s shoulder , but helping them perform tasks in a safe manner , improve standards and protect the business . For example , there ’ s also a red , amber and green bar on the dash cams that gives the driver live feedback if they ’ re excessively accelerating or braking . Essentially , it ’ s there to monitor people ’ s behaviour and how proactive they are being with safety .
Near misses and changing attitudes An element of the behavioural study Dodman mentions includes recording near misses as well as actual incidents . “ We have terminology we use called ‘ closing the loop ’. This is where we ’ re proactive in reporting near misses ,” he says . “ There ’ s clear evidence ‘ near miss ’ reporting has been instrumental in preventing future major incidents . We look at the trends from our misses and get the operational team to look at them to develop preventative ideas . That ’ s why we call it ‘ closing the loop ’, because we encourage our operational teams to develop solutions to reduce these trends .”
Building a positive safety culture is