Construction Magazine January 2017 | Page 39

USA prompted an exceptionally aggressive construction schedule . The work was finished in an astonishing sevenand-a-half months , but officially the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy – or TCO , the paperwork signed by a building official when all life safety construction items are completed – was awarded at the nine month mark .
“ There were tremendous challenges in building this large of a building this fast ,” DiMaggio says . “ Challenges from the city and local jurisdictions as well as the tight constraints on the site . We had over 400 workers onsite for the majority of the project which required a full time shuttle service driving workers to and from an offsite parking lot we rented . Ensuring we had street access and encroachment permits proved to be difficult as well , but the City of Santa Clara and Silicon Valley Power fully supported the SV7 project as they had on the previous four buildings . Ultimately the success of SV7 came down to the CoreSite Leadership and our incredible staff who were fully committed to and supported the project . Also , without question we had the best Project


CHALLENGES in building this large of a building this fast ”

– Jay DiMaggio , Director of Real Estate and Construction

Jay DiMaggio Director of Real Estate and Construction

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