constructed a data center building of this size this quickly , and now , we could do it better , cheaper and faster .”
Reaping the rewards For all involved , the hard work paid off – but for DiMaggio , it was particularly rewarding to be proven correct that SV7 could be done . He ensured that all of the partners knew how valued they were by CoreSite , and that their dedication , commitment , and tireless input was key to the success
of the project . The majority of the workforce involved in the construction of SV7 had worked with data centers for many years previously , proving that their initial reluctance to get involved was not borne out of inexperience , and makes it even more impressive that each of them left so content with the role they played .
“ I came out of this saying ‘ it will be a long time before I do something like this again ’,” says DiMaggio . “ That ’ s not to say I wouldn ’ t do it , but I wanted
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