USA to get the Teams reaction – which was ‘ let ’ s do another ’. The reality is , they are the success of the project . If they say it can be done , it can be done . We ’ d never built a project with this kind of schedule before ; our SV4 building went up in around six months , but the interiors were not fully built out . SV7 was entirely finished in such a short time . It was a tough nine months ; it was crazy , but worth it .”
Some element of the project ’ s success can be attributed to DiMaggio ’ s unwavering resilience that drove him to keep convincing and pushing CoreSite ’ s partners until they saw SV7 ’ s true potential . Considering almost all of them believed it could not be done , and each of them not only threw themselves into it , but then came away wanting to do it again – and better – DiMaggio ’ s positivity and influence clearly made a firm and lasting impact .
“ One of the things I learned many , many years ago was to listen to people ,” he explains . “ Truly listen to what they ’ re saying , and don ’ t try to push them beforehand . When listened to , people become
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