Construction Magazine January 2017 | Page 61

How Cool Are You ....

Oasis™ Indirect Evaporative Cooling Systems designed for data centers

Munters energy efficient Oasis IEC solutions are installed in a wide variety of data centers across North America , Europe , Asia and Australasia . These configurable systems circulate the primary air from the white space through heat exchangers which are cooled using a combination of outdoor air movement and evaporation . The indoor and outdoor airstreams never mix , resulting in a minimal requirement for filtration .
Talk to us about :
• Data Center and Telecom cooling
• Make-up air and humidity control systems
• Energy efficiency
• Selection software
• Test facilities
• Service and maintenance
• munters . com / casestudies
www . munters . com / datacenters
New ! Visit the Munters Data Center Academy video lectures web page on Air-Cooled Data Center Design through to Indirect Evaporative Cooling Principles using Munters Heat Exhanger technology or scan the QR code to go direct to You Tube playlist
www . munters . com / dcacademy
Americas + 1 540 291 1111 • E-mail : datacenters @ munters . com