Construction Magazine January 2017 | Page 63

Americas Energy Solutions enables Infomart to purchase electricity sourced from Pacific Northwestbased federal power agency Bonneville Power Administration ( BPA ), which is among the largest suppliers of hydroelectric power in the U . S . and boasts one of the lowest carbon footprints in the country .
Infomart Ashburn is located in the top data center market in the U . S ., a hotbed for cloud and connectivity services , and while it may be the company ’ s newest location , it has tremendously good form . Previously owned by AOL , it sits in the Dulles Technology Corridor ’ s ‘ Data Center Alley ’, so , unsurprisingly , it ’ s one of the most connected properties on the East Coast .
Infomart ’ s flagship data center

“ Infomart has the edge over its rivals because it has several unique approaches to its business ” – Paul Vaccaro , Senior Vice President of Operations and Engineering

in Dallas successfully delivers 21st century services in terms of power , cooling and network connectivity despite being modelled on a 19th century British design - that of the original Crystal Palace in Hyde Park , built in 1851 . It actually has the fifth-most connected network of any building in the U . S . The striking glass design boasts an impressive 1.7 million square feet set over seven stories , and immediately stands out from the other constructions in downtown Dallas . “ Everybody knows Infomart Dallas because of its architecture , but not a lot of people understand it ’ s actually inspired by the Crystal Palace ,” Vaccaro adds .
Standout Competition in the data industry
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