Construction Magazine January 2017 | Page 69

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The company has a negligible amount of staff turnover , mostly because there ’ s a strong focus on developing and promoting its existing talent pool . “ People are very excited about the work they see at Infomart and they ’ re very loyal to that ,” Vaccaro says .
Last but definitely not least , Infomart presents very good value for its customers . The company has proven cost effectiveness in following a sustainable business model and delivering speedy work , with the savings passed
directly to the customers . This approach has won very large deals with some of the biggest social media companies in the U . S .
This was confirmed by an advisory organization in 2012 , when the Uptime Institute awarded Infomart Silicon Valley with the Uptime Institutes Management & Operations Stamp of Approval . “ It ’ s very important to have an independent auditor come in and transparently open the books ,” Vaccaro says . “ It ’ s a seal of approval that shows the design for our data center is efficient , and
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