Construction Magazine January 2017 | Page 71

USA our resource utilization is under tight operational control .”
Future growth It ’ s exceptional that Infomart has been awarded the Uptime Institute M & O Stamp more times than any other data center - San Jose and Portland , Oregon have gone on to win every year it ’ s been awarded since the original award in 2012 , and Dallas followed this year . It represents a recognition of Infomart ’ s high standards in energy efficiency , site location , staff and vendor training , and the design of the buildings . Most recently Infomart ’ s Portland facility along with our anchor tenant at the site , were awarded the Uptime ’ s Efficient IT award . This is a clear example of the differentiator an effective partnership with the end client , resulted in constructing a world class sustainable facility , and an equally efficient IT Operation . Growth is Infomart ’ s biggest challenge . As the business attracts more and more high profile customers , expectations for the services the company can deliver will rise too .

Andrew Gold

Chief Counsel & SVP of Corporate Development
Gold has been practicing law at large law firms and in-house at technology and venture capital firms in the US and Europe for almost 20 years . In 2000 , he was a founding Board member of iWorld Group , an investment fund focused on mobile applications . From 2007- 2009 , Gold served as CEO of Straitshot Communications , a Seattle network services company . He has a JD , magna cum laude , from the Washington College of Law . He earned a BA from Emory University and was a Lecturer in Public Speaking and Director of Debate at Stanford University . infomartdatacenters . com 71