“ You have to scale those things beyond what you would traditionally do as a colocation center ,” Vaccaro says . “ Things like increasing power densities , new cooling technologies , and new certification requirements from a vast array of differing customer segments .”
In the last quarter of 2015 alone , the workforce carried out an impressive 500,000 hours of construction work , with impressive safety record of zero lost hours across all sites . Getting bigger means the workload will increase too , which will pose quite a challenge . “ The key is the relationships we have with our designers , contractors , and with our vendors and suppliers ,” he says . “ It is Infomart ’ s ability to leverage those relationships to a common set of success criteria .”
Scott Mitchell
SVP of Sales & Marketing
Mitchell serves as the Senior Vice President of Sales and is responsible for Infomart ’ s National Sales Team , including growth of the data center portfolio and professional services . Mitchell has 25 years of technology and senior leadership experience running veteran high-caliber sales teams for market leading companies such as Verizon , Ericsson , and Rackspace . These experiences have given him specific industry experience and knowledge in telecom networks and systems , IT outsourcing solutions , combined with the managed services provider ( internet hosting ) category . Mitchell holds a Bachelor of Business Administration ( BBA ) in Marketing and Finance from The University of Texas at Austin and earned his Masters of Business Administration ( MBA ) from Baylor University . infomartdatacenters . com 73