the answer to escaping fossil fuels , a fresh injection of innovation is needed .
The challenges facing nuclear construction , however , also present opportunities for companies like French nuclear engineering specialist Assystem .
An ever-present in France ’ s nuclear power relationship , the company was originally established to support the commissioning and start-up of the country ’ s first fleet of reactors in 1966 .
Assystem has since diversified into other industries in order to sustain healthy growth , but nuclear still represents a core line of business , one which Christian Jeanneau , SVP of Nuclear , remains excited to work in .
“ The nuclear construction industry is an attractive one to work in for two reasons ,” he states . “ The first is there is a strong motivation with new generation workers to move towards a carbon-free future . The second reason is the opportunity for innovation through technology and new ideas .”
If a company is qualified enough to inject the innovation required to propel nuclear into the mainstream , it is
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