Navigator , and ProjectWise , Hatch Mott MacDonald will operationalise its intelligent system for rail signal design as follows :
Content building – Using the Promis . e for Rail Signalling database , design teams can create schematic symbols that link directly to project databases and 3D layouts .
Project building – Through an application programming interface ( API ), custom template scripts drive individual client standards , equipment selection , tag generation , schematic creation , and layout generation . As a result , designers simply input basic client and location information to arrive at an accurate , preliminary design that ’ s about 75 percent complete . The solution also ensures that ownerspecific content created in the first step ripples through and is correctly used at every stage of the process .
Engineering design considerations – Promis . e features automated checking tools that can be triggered by the designer . The system will perform a series of electrical circuit checks , verifying that users have not over-assigned the equipment ’ s electrical contacts , and ensuring that all tags have been generated .
The rules that Promis . e ’ s engineering design considerations are based on are integrated with the existing Hatch Mott MacDonald Quality Environment and Safety ( QES ) standards .
SQL Server and ProjectWise integration and roll-out- A significant element of the system is its integration with ProjectWise , enabling the sharing of project drawings . Multiple users can access the Promis . e project database , the ‘ single source of truth ’, through the SQL Server located at Hatch Mott MacDonald ’ s corporate headquarters .
Supporting a whole new way of working Bentley ’ s Promis . e adds intelligence into the Hatch Mott MacDonald ’ s design process using 2D schematics and 3D models , ensuring that designs conform to client standards as they progress . “ As Promis . e users draw wires , they automatically populate databases with information that the software uses downstream in the design process . Users create wire tags and cable schedules without realising it ,” says Henderson .
The system allows designers to leverage information mobility to develop all client deliverables , and