Construction Magazine June 2018 | Page 56


done and apply those skills and habits to their business . We ’ re here to help unlock those learnings .”
What advice would Gunner give to construction firms navigating their supply chain challenges ? “ We would encourage anyone with a supply chain to look at it with some professional honesty and ask themselves how they can do it better . Is it running as efficiently , quickly and cost effectively as possible ? These are difficult questions that help you start to peel back the layers and see what positive changes can be made . When we engage with a prospective client it typically involves doing some client analysis and evaluation to ratify and verify work they ’ ve already completed , or carrying out a full study on their behalf .” Gunner believes there is still much room for improvement : “ It ’ s quite frustrating for companies because there are often false horizons when you find another aspect of the supply chain that should be upgraded . We would encourage them to be open to new ways of working , implementing new systems to move away from their heavy reliance on spreadsheets and email . The old systems are convoluted and we can help cut through that and streamline processes , but it requires them to be open minded .”
Adjuno has two decades of experience to draw on which Gunner feels sets it apart from other operators in the market . “ We ’ ve got a huge amount of data to mine from which has allowed us to develop 18 different modules that can take an operation from sourcing raw materials through to delivering into a DC . That breadth of solution , and the depth each solution goes to , is quite unique in the market . You can get FRM , PLM and logistics solutions but we ’ re one of the few , if not the only one , to deliver
56 June 2018