Construction Magazine June 2018 | Page 58

13,000 VENDOR COMMUNITY USING THE SYSTEM EACH MONTH them as one end-to-end solution .”

Gunner highlights how a sustainable and ethical approach to the supply chain is available as an out-of-the-box solution from Adjuno . “ Our Ethical Audit module supports a sustainable approach with a raft of functionality to help an organisation monitor the practices in their factories . Part of that is understanding , particularly for fashion retailers we deal with , where their fabrics are being made , where the raw materials are coming from and how the workers making them are being treated ,” he explains . “ At a basic level the Ethical Audit is a repository of all that information which is then visible and has the ability to be interrogated to understand how things are working . Allied to this are gates and standards that suppliers have to achieve , and be recognised by , so the retailer is able to monitor the procurement .”
The next step for Adjuno is to further leverage predictive analytics and machine learning . Gunner maintains that on the back of the amount of data Adjuno is collecting , it can start adding a layer of intelligence for its customers to provide insights and suggest what they could or should be doing as a
58 June 2018