“ Most of our customers have green policies so being able to offer them renewable energy helps them maintain those green credentials ”
— Kevin Dalton , Senior Vice President of Construction and Critical Facilities Engineering and Design ( CFED ) at RagingWire
Another advantage of partnering with vendors , he adds , is that they are willing to hold an inventory of fully functioning and tested modules – the old way of build to order takes too long to meet hyperscale cycle times .
Close management of the supply chain , allied to sophisticated forecasting , means that much of the construction can be done ahead of time . Customers need to know exactly when their facility will be up and running . Once the core and shell of the building are in place , installing the infrastructure should take no more than a few months . Purchasing agreements with global equipment manufacturers lead to volume discounts that can be passed on to customers .
“ We do as much work in advance as possible to procure the equipment and ship it to the integrator so they can put it together for us , test it and hold it as inventory ready to ship ,” Dalton explains .
It ’ s all about consistency in design , so that customers can deploy systems and RagingWire and their NTT colleagues can manage data centers worldwide . Design drives operational synergy . The modular approach allows RagingWire to replicate facilities in different markets while tailoring the data centers to take advantage of the unique characteristics of the geography .
In a market that is expanding at the rate of the cloud , total cost of ownership ( TCO ) is a major consideration for providers when building a business case . RagingWire is addressing TCO at every level . Power represents the
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