Construction Magazine March 2016 | Page 64

Rubio Wash
social service and educational needs of youth and families , with a focus on Asian immigrants .
Finally , according to ACE , the project has created more than 6,000 full-time jobs , with the majority of the workforce comprised of local employees .
“ We have built a good team from people we ’ ve worked with in the past in the area , and built from there ,” Jones said .
THE END IS IN SIGHT Currently , Walsh is excavating down and building the trench invert , has started the facing wall using onesided forms , and has installed more than 150 36-inch pipe struts to complete excavation .
In the next six months , Walsh will be building Phase I of the trench , having completed the majority of the secant wall , secant wall cap beams and tiebacks that reinforce retaining
64 March 2016