USA the Chevron guy ?” says Vesey . Establishing a presence is not a task that Vesey can complete alone . Another key driver for the business is John Baguley , Chief Technology Officer , who has experience in the successful delivery of both front end engineering and EPC projects for major LNG plants and projects worldwide during a 33-year career with KBR .
As with Vesey , the recognition of years of successful operation in this space has been key in taking LNG Limited forward .
“ I think what adds to a sense of gravitas for LNG Limited , particularly when engaging with new customers , is the wealth of experience in our staff ,” says Vesey .
“ We have me [ Chevron ], John [ KBR ], our CFO Mike Mott [ BG Group ], our Chief Commercial Officer AG Gelotti [ Chevron , Shell ] and General Counsel
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