Construction Magazine March 2017 | Page 82


Cloud computing is becoming second nature to businesses , as ingrained as processes like accounting . Data centers are growing at an incredible pace to accommodate this need for virtual space - they ’ re invaluable resources providing fast connectivity , large amounts of storage and security .

Expedient is one of these data centers , but what sets it apart from the others is its ability to work at a local level , which bigger companies often can ’ t do . Its 11 sites in seven cities including : Cleveland , Baltimore , Boston , Indianapolis , Columbus , Memphis and Pittsburgh provide cloud services , backups , firewall , VPN and disaster recovery . Jonathan H . Rosenson , the Vice President of Quality Assurance and Strategic Initiatives explains : “ We are unique because the physical footprint of our organization is different from our competitors . Being able to provide local services is a significant differentiator for us . Half of our clients take advantage of services in at least two data centers , some of them take use three or more in order to maintain even higher availability . Our focus on infrastructure as a service has led us to build consistent capabilities at each of our locations , ensuring the availability .”
82 March 2017