up around the world , the need for consulting advice , technological expertise and dispute resolution is only going to grow , and the UK and HKA in particular is in a prime position to take advantage . “ 2017 was a year of buyout and rebranding for HKA , so for 2018 the real impetus we have is to start to press the accelerator in our futurelooking growth ,” Hunt says . “ This year is going to be about enhancing the relationships we have with our key clients , particularly global clients who we can follow or even sometimes lead into new territories where we already exist or where we want to be . “ I think the other thing we ’ ve worked on quite a lot over the last 12-18 months is analysis around points of failure on a global basis , which our clients will be able to access . We ’ ll be able to advise them on the typical points of failure in specific markets , regions , supply chains , types of contracts . They can use our analysis to help mitigate their risks in advance of starting projects or going into new locations . In terms of what we ’ re trying to be , I hope this will push our brand to the cutting edge of thought leadership .”
“ Investment in programming and planning tools and software means what is being used onsite has come on leaps and bounds ”
– Toby Hunt , Head of Europe and Partner , HKA
18 March 2018