USA communication and more customized reporting . It also means that the people we hire , our onsite team , are not only technically proficient , but they have the necessary communication skills to connect with our customers .”
Mission critical focus T5FM has , by all accounts , forged a unique position in the data center landscape . As one of the few remaining companies specializing in mission critical , T5FM prides itself on being 100 % data center focused . It doesn ’ t operate non-mission critical facilities and in doing so , it has allowed the company to hire people who have a mission critical mindset and who are passionate and driven about the data center landscape .
Furthermore , thanks to its real-world experience operating T5 Data Centers ’ national data center portfolio , Casey and his team also champion a unique owner perspective which allows the company to truly understand the needs and wants of its clients .
It is because of this highlyfocused and concerted approach that T5FM has been able to grow retain a talented workforce with a broad range of expertise .
“ Over 86 % of our site leads have been promotions from within ,” notes Casey . “ This is because our team members have a mission critical mindset and are passionate about the data center space . They see a growing company . They see room for career advancement and are encouraged by our entrepreneurial culture , a culture where anybody at any level within the organization can make an impact on the overall portfolio . We are the employer of choice in the data center space and this means means have very high retention rates , a highly motivated workforce , and the best team in the industry . At the end of the day , it ’ s our customers who benefit from of this .”
Uptime Institute award winner Championing a positive work culture is an admirable feat , but T5FM has also provided the results to back it up . By receiving countless awards from the prestigious Uptime Institute , T5FM has consistently proven its position as a market leader .
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