Construction Magazine May 2016 | Page 6

Steeling the march :

Forging growth in a slow market

Written by : Philippe Gelis , CEO of Kantox
THE GLOBAL STEEL industry has made the headlines for all the wrong reasons in recent years . A collapse in prices as a result of oversupply has meant slow or stagnant growth for many manufacturing firms . While several industry commentators have pointed to an imminent recovery for the sector , the UK Markit / CIPS manufacturing Purchasing Managers ’ Index ( PMI ) revealed Eurozone manufacturing activity to have expanded at its weakest pace for a year . With a Brexit vote looming , the potential for even more volatility is concerning investors , fearful of additional negative impact on the pound .
However , despite this ostensibly bleak picture , the industry is – in many ways – at the forefront of technological change . From automation to embracing the Internet of Things ( IoT ) in manufacture , supply chain management and distribution , business models in
6 May 2016
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