Construction Magazine May 2017 | Page 137

Pivotal moment Following his move to CEO , Brown had a baptism of fire with the company . Miller Electric Company was locked into what Brown describes as one of the worst contracts in its history . The project was a large hotel addition and renovation project , with a general contractor , an owner and an unfamiliar construction type .
It was born out of the recession , where key errors were made and not recognised until the project was well underway .
“ After we realised this was a catastrophic financial project , we had to rally a lot of the team together to finish the job ,” says Brown .
Following the completion of the project , Brown and his team pulled together and made several key decisions that set up the company for the one it is today , one that works with the right clients and truly values its employees .
“ We really picked apart the elements of what made that such a terrible contract and realised that they were buying our work as a commodity ,” he says .

“ We have vendors who will walk through walls to get us what we need ”

– Henry Brown , CEO of Miller Electric
This has forced the company to shift its focus onto finding and working with customers that value and appreciate that long-term approach to quality and trusting relationships . It was this very moment that saw the core values of the company established , with Brown , his executive team and all employees to gain a better a richer understanding of the company .
“ It allows us to build a cohesive strategy , where we know we are working towards the same goals and everybody has that consistent goal and consistent roadmap to achieve that goal ,” he says .
Through adversity ... Following such a major challenge and pivotal moment in the history
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