Construction Magazine May 2018 | Page 37

by all the ODMs . If you create an open source society , as happened with software , the belief is you can drive innovation . More people looking at a software problem creates derivative work off these hardware products and vice versa . It can spread like wildfire in the right circumstances . That ’ s what Facebook wanted to create and was part of the genesis for the Open Compute Project .”
The result now stands in Prineville , Oregon . It was 38 % more energy efficient to build and 24 % less expensive to run than the company ’ s previous facilities – and has proved the catalyst for even greater innovation . In 2011 , Facebook shared its designs with the public and – along with Intel and Rackspace , Goldman Sachs and Andy Bechtolsheim – launched the Open Compute Project and incorporated the Open Compute Project Foundation . The five members hoped to create a movement in the hardware space that would bring about the same kind of creativity and collaboration we see in open source software .
After spending 33 years working for Intel as a systems architect , and as the company ’ s OCP liaison in the early days , Carter joined the foundation to get involved with its