Construction Magazine May 2018 | Page 56


decision-making with their plans ,” reflects Blake . “ It enables the client to see the exact graphical representation of our proposal , enhancing the possibilities for positive retrofitting .”
Among key partnerships , Purcell also collaborates with other practices and is currently working with the National Trust at Clandon Park . “ We ’ ve previously worked collaboratively with Allies and Morrison ( A & M ) on the conversion of Arsenal ’ s football ground ( a historic listed building ) into residential ,” adds Blake . “ The National Trust approached us once A & M won the limited competition to work with them on the proposals ( for Clandon Park ). We ’ ve also worked with Herzog & de Meuron in Hong
Kong and partnered with them on the Flinders Street Station in Melbourne which is how we established our office there .” Purcell is also on the board of the AABC ( Architects Accredited in Building Conservation ) and engages positively with bodies like the UK Green Building Council . Meanwhile , through its heritage consultancy , the practice is providing CPD support ( Continuing Professional Development ) for the RIBA on their programme of new into old .
Blake believes retrofitting needs to be approached with sensitivity by the industry because there is a tendency to jump to conclusions about how aspects of a building can be harnessed without fully appraising the built asset they ’ re starting with . “ This is where the ‘ green-wash ’ and ‘ eco-bling ’ comes in ,” says Blake ruefully . “ It ’ s like a box of tricks that can be added universally without looking specifically at the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the building . For example , solid masonry walls , if dry and kept at the appropriate temperature internally , are incredibly thermally efficient . So , if you can address why it ’ s damp and not thermally efficient , rather than
56 May 2018