Construction Magazine May 2018 | Page 64


TOP 10




Concrete is a fantastic building material , but it can deteriorate over time . As concrete ages and dries out , cracks form in the material and it grows weaker . Eventually , concrete with too many cracks will crumble and fall apart . Researchers from US universities , Binghamton and Rutgers , have found that embedding a certain fungus into the concrete during the manufacturing process can dramatically extend the lifespan of concrete structures . The research is still in its early stages , but someday the end result could be concrete that heals its own wounds .

9wet substance , aerogel is created by removing


Although gel is traditionally thought of as a
all liquid , leaving only a silica structure that is up to 99 % air . The unusual properties of aerogels open the door to a new range of opportunities for their application in building . One of its main benefits is excellent insulating abilities , providing energy and cost savings due to the reduced loss of heated or conditioned indoor air . Above all , it is user-friendly , recyclable and reusable .
64 May 2018