Construction Magazine October 2015 | Page 15

THE PROS & CONS to perform the job more effectively than the main contractor could .
Indeed , this main contractor ’ s role in the process when awarded a contract can be thought of as being responsible for getting each element of the work completed to as high a standard as possible , although this will not necessarily mean doing all of it themselves .
Instead they are providing a valuable service by using their industry knowledge and contacts to assemble a team that can collectively deliver every element of

The main contractor is responsible for assembling a team that can collectively deliver every element of the work the work efficiently and effectively .

Using another company of course also frees up your own staff , affording you the time and resources to focus on your core business and areas of speciality . It also means you do not have to commit to hiring employees on a permanent basis .
This enables greater flexibility ; as more work comes your way , you needn ’ t take on staff only to have to dismiss them when things get quiet , causing negativity .
Subcontracting also mitigates your risk as the responsibility becomes the subcontractor ’ s . If complications occur in the hands of the other company they are obliged to address the issue using their own resources , and indeed may be better equipped to do so than the main contractor as the job is their own particular area of expertise .
Turnaround times are usually faster too when subcontracting . No single company is spreading their resources too thinly or in some cases over too great a geographical distance , and a project ’ s completion can be delivered faster .
Negatives / complications Although a company will carefully