TOP 10
Vinci SA is a construction and engineering company based in France . Its current revenue stands at $ 47.04bn . The company was incorporated in 1955 and currently
has 183,000 employees . Vinci is involved in the design , construction , financing and management of such facilities as water networks , public and private buildings , urban developments and communication systems . Current construction projects include the pediatric hospital at Warsaw University and the Atlantic Bridge in Panama . The President of Vinci Construction is Jérôme Stubler , who has held the position since 2015 .
The Power Construction Corporation of China Ltd has a revenue of $ 38.72bn . It was incorporated in 2009 and currently has 134,680 employees . It is based in Beijing where it is led by current Chairman Yan Zhiyong .
The corporation is mainly involved in water conservancy and hydropower projects . It also trades materials and its subsidiaries construct highways and bridges . Power China recently competed work on the Sahiwal Coal Power Plant in cooperation with Pakistan as part of the China- Pakistan Economic corridor . 28 October 2017