Construction Magazine October 2017 | Page 61


Shawn Kane Vice President of Engineering

Shawn Kane served as the original operations manager for the AOL Dulles Technology Center , and worked with the company from 1998 until 2015 , when he joined Infomart as Vice President of Engineering . He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh .

“ I ’ ve been working in critical centers and data centers for most of my 27-year career ”

existing infrastructure for new , updated infrastructure .”
Kane ’ s colleague , Doug Shotwell , Vice President of Development for Infomart , is just as excited about the refurb , saying that the building itself is “ robust ” and “ stout .”
“ When AOL built the facility , they spared no expense ,” he says . “ We ’ re leveraging the quality of the building that AOL was able to construct and building upon that
with the latest power and cooling technologies available today .
“ It was the original AOL mega data center , one of the first large-scale data centers built in the country , and AOL spared no expense in building it , so it has great bones .
“ Renovating all the facility ’ s infrastructure from a UPS standpoint as well as renovating generators , buying new UPSs and chillers , augmenting the piping , and changing
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