Construction Magazine September 2014 | Page 34

management / planning
Committed to the highest standards
recruitment into construction also focus on exploiting as many avenues of talent as possible . Whilst schools and colleges are important channels for helping us attract the finest candidates up and down the country , we ’ ve also expanded our emphasis on doing the ‘ milk round ’ at universities , in the process hammering home to undergraduates that construction presents a varied and rewarding career to students from a range of different backgrounds .
In all cases , we recognise that ensuring youth remains the lifeblood of the industry is key if the sector is to truly be able to safeguard its commercial future .
CG : Wates is a leading contractor in the UK . What do you think defines the company and what does it do better than some of its rivals ? JK : For me , having worked across the industry for nearly twenty years , Wates ’ commitment to taking into account the needs of its customers is second to none .
But more broadly , our approach ( which comes with being part of a historic , privately-owned family business ) of maintaining a commitment to the highest standards , and upholding them with pride , stands out for me as one of the reasons that we edge out our rivals in many of our key sectors .
34 September 2014