Corporate Video - 2020
employees with the necessary protection equipment . Around 100 thousand masks were acquired – not medical masks , but here we ’ re referring to FFP2 and FFP3 , which provide enhanced protection . In addition , we procured thermometers , gloves , thousands of litres of hand sanitiser and thermal imaging devices for each site . We also had to deal with increasing import / export obstacles that came gradually – country restrictions , logistic issues , and licences required , for example .
From a business continuity aspect , what gave us the time and resources to focus on PPE , logistics and resourcing needs was the fact that we were well-prepared for an event of this magnitude ”.
For IMI Engineering , though COVID-19 , specifically , wasn ’ t necessarily expected , “ pandemics , like other environmental , geopolitical or commercial disruption , of regional or global magnitude , are almost always inevitable , but at the same time highly predictable . Our Strategic Sourcing Process created three years ago , includes risk management measures that , in spite of a significant supplier base reduction in the last three years , provided us with the diversified dual sources we needed , the strong long-term supplier relationship , agreements and reliable data analysis required to react quickly and efficiently to unexpected events .”
All of these measures are , of course , dependent on digitalisation : a concept that has been sweeping across every industry for decades , now – but in a more driven manner , recently , with the adoption of new , futuristic technologies and capabilities . “ The fundamental reason to digitise is speed . It ’ s no longer only about making the right decisions , but about making them
24 April 2021