Construction Magazine August 2018 | Page 50

And what is the by product of those hours spent refining the platform ?
“ Getting it simple enough that a 50-year-old CEO of a major corporation deciding whether to spend a few million dollars on this floor plate can go in there , without feeling intimidated , and not feel cut off from their peers when they ’ re looking at this stuff in this technology ,” Hall adds . “ That is a very tough needle to thread . That ’ s what we focused on .”
And what Yulio now has is a situation where it has a growing customer base and a platform which is gaining both notoriety within the marketplace and respect within the industry .
The company has also entered into a partnership with Ryerson Architectural College in Toronto where the students get to use the platform during their studies , and Hall says seeing the next generation engaging with Yulio in a manner that he describes as “ unintimidated ” gives him the belief that the future of architecture , and construction and design in general , is in good hands .
He is also adamant that the time for people to be investing in the product is now , if they wish to avoid being left behind .
“ You ’ re going to see an exponential adoption of this because it works ,” says Hall , simply . “ The ROI is starting to become self-evident .
“ For those people that have adopted and embraced it , the first time that you ’ re presenting something in VR and your competitor isn ’ t and you win the deal and they don ’ t ; or the first time that you have an insight where you shared a design element with a peer and they noticed something that the two of you hadn ’ t noticed whilst looking at the floor plan and the CAD models – any moment that you kind of make an adaptation due to this visualisation technology giv-