Following the implementation of CDM 2007 , a commitment was given by the then government to carry out an early review , which was intended to be after three years . That review began in 2010 , with external research published in April 2012 .
Amongst other issues identified , it was considered that the regulations had not borne down on bureaucracy and had led to an industry approach to competence which was heavy handed and often burdensome , particularly on small and medium enterprises . Further , the co-ordination phase was not in many cases , well-embedded . As such , it was deemed that certain changes were required , including the following :
CDM co-ordinator / principal designer role The CDM co-ordinator role is to be replaced by a principal designer role within the project team . The responsibility for discharging the function will rest with an individual or business in control of the preconstruction phase and it is this element of control over the design phase that is said to be “ the fundamental differences between the
CDM-c role and the PD role . The new approach is said to be focused on facilitating an integrated approach to risk management , moving away from the externally appointed contractor approach .
Explicit competence requirements replaced Explicit competence requirements are to be removed and replaced with a specific requirement for appropriate skills . With too much attention being given to processes , the focus on outcomes is said to have been lost , and HSE argue that regulation 4 of CDM 2007 should be removed “ given that competence is most effectively promoted through cultural change and leadership in the industry rather than regulation .”
A general requirement to ensure those appointing others to carry out construction work to ensure that they have received appropriate information , instruction , training and supervision to allow them to work safely , will remain . The removal of regulation 4 is to create an environment whereby HSE can work with the industry through nonregulatory approaches .
22 October 2014