Construction Magazine October 2015 | Page 10

You can transcend the environment by utilizing positive affirmations . “ I can do it !” is just one of the examples . If you focus on the positives your work flows with less effort ; if you concentrate on the drudgery , your work effort is sluggish and reluctant .
The point is , workers who are actively worrying about family matters , grump about tough conditions , or irritated about management shortcomings are workers likely to make a mistake , and potentially a dangerous mistake . These techniques can save life and limb , not just time .
Aside from workers ’ Mental Leakage , workers are also adversely affected by interruptions , especially when they are interruptions they can ’ t ignore – when they come from the boss or your client . In my book I call interrupters “ Time Bandits ,” but when interruptions pose safety issues , perhaps they should be called “ Safety Bandits .”
I know an accomplished cabinet maker and I once asked him about his craft . It was like listening to a true , dedicated artist , as he spoke reverently about the care and steps he takes at each and every stage of the process . Measuring this before cutting that , giving something time to dry , but not too much , inserting this before the wood swelled , and so on . I remember
Transcend the environment
10 October 2015